E.F.L. "European Association for Family and Succession Law" is rated 3 out of 5 in the category judiciary. Read and write reviews about E.F.L. "European Association for Family and Succession Law". E.F.L. has the aim to create a network of lawyers and scholars of Family law of the different European countries who are capable, first of all, to offer a place of reflection, as well as cooperation and assistance in cases concerning Family law and Succession law, that have cross-boarder features. E.F.L. will organize an annual convention, from time to time in a different European country, in order to address the most actual and relevant topics with reference to the European law and to the evolution of the individual national laws. In the past two years, the Convention took place in Oviedo (Spain) and Regensburg (Germany). E.F.L. will favor the exchange of trainees and young lawyers for periods of study and experience among law firms in other countries. E.F.L. will organize translations of texts concerning Family and Succession law or documents of particularly relevant conventions held in Italian. E.F.L. will provide a regular newsletter via e-mail to all members on the most relevant news in Italy and the other European countries. E.F.L. will cooperate with the associations of Family law in order to organize seminars and meetings on a national as well as international level. E.F.L. members benefit from a discount on the annual subscription to the journal Familia, in paper as well as electronic version (www.rivistafamilia.it). For the next two years, E.F.L. will take a part in the European Commission Project "MiRi- Minor Right to Information in EU civil actions - Improving children's right to information in cross-border civil cases". For more information on application and on how to be an associate, please send an e-mail to:
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