PBV&Partners is rated 3 out of 5 in the category public relations and communications. Read and write reviews about PBV&Partners. PBV & Partners è un'agenzia di comunicazione integrata indipendente specializzata nel settore dei servizi professionali, della consulenza e della finanza. Dal 2009 assistiamo quindi studi legali, tributari di commercialisti, società di consulenza e revisione, Ordini professionali, organi associativi e fondi di investimento. Una divisione dedicata è attiva nella creazione, organizzazione e gestione di eventi, convegni, congressi, team-building, negli incentive e nel destination management a supporto di operatori esteri. PBV & Partners è membro fondatore di Euro-PR, il primo network Europeo di agenzie specializzate nel settore delle advisory professions. Aree di consulenza: 1. PR e relazioni con i media 2. Comunicazione istituzionale e finanziaria 3. Gestione della crisi, situazioni speciali 4. Eventi 5. Digital PR PBV & Partners is a public relations and communications agency, member and co-funder of Euro-PR, the first european agencies' network for advisory professions. We strongly believe that specialization is the key to providing the highest possible level of service, real added value, the best media opportunities and truly tailored advice. We are specialised in advising law, accountancy and auditing firms and their respective professional associations, private equity firms as well as all those companies faced with exceptional transactions such as mergers and acquisitions, changes of governance, joint ventures and restructurings. We provide sound advice in the realm of communication and media relations, institutional relations, events, congresses and team building, internal communication, crisis and issues management, branding and re-branding. A dedicated department advises on the organization and management of events such as seminars and congresses, product launches, team-building activities and incentives. Services: PR and media relations Corporate and financial communications Issue and crisis management Events Digital PR
Piazza Repubblica
Company size
1-10 employees